GPA 4.00
Class Rank 7 of 308
6 AP classes and 4 years of PLTW Biomedical Science courses
Plans to attend Marquette University
Extracurricular activities include National Honor Society, Ubuntu African Club, Triathlon, Cycling and Tiger Literati Book Club. Emelyne volunteered at church and hospitals and participated in the Medical College of Wisconsin’s ROADS and AIM programs.
In her essay, Emelyne stated that being able to take rigorous courses helped her grow as a student and person and prepared her for her future. Through support and encouragement, she was motivated to start Riverside’s Ubuntu African Club. As president, she learned the importance of leadership. She says, “by being encouraged to get away from my comfort zone, I signed up for medical apprenticeship programs, took science courses and challenged myself to be better each day.”
Two of her science teachers consider her driven, kind-hearted and ambitious.